Monday, September 23, 2013

Blog 12: Article

"30 Large Dolphins Beach Themselves in Brazil"
                            - Time Magazine

In Time’s article, “30 Large Dolphins Beach Themselves in Brazil”, published on September 23, 2013, the associated press writes about an interesting incident that occurred on the shores of Rio de Janeiro. About thirty dolphins had arrived at the beach in northeastern Brazil during the weekend. However, it was announced by news reporters on Monday that at least seven of them had not made it because they had died. These dolphins, also called false killer whales, were found by passers-by on Sunday morning. The environmental police distributed pictures of these vacationers and “beach-goers”, as the press classified, trying to help and aid these stranded creatures, while they lay in as little as only a few inches of water. The O Globo newspaper, of Brazil, also published articles about this occurrence. The paper wrote that the seven creatures that had died were most likely attacked by sharks. However, the people did not need to worry about the presence of those deadly sharks, considering the fact that these attacks were done in deep waters, far away from the shores. The paper had also written that they were not sure what the cause of this unusual incident could have been. Some say the leader of their pod may have been ill, leading them to shore. Others concluded that they must have been following a school of fish, and got trapped in shallow waters. A few days after, Biologist continued to examine the bodies of these hurt and ill creatures.
                It is interesting to read about subjects concerning science and marine life not only in the United States, but all around the world. It is a wonderful getaway from the tense topics and events that have been currently stressing out people everywhere, whether it be local/national issues, or international ones, like the Syria situation.


  1. Reading has always been a great refuge to leave the present behind. To read about science, music, and art can transport a person into a different world where people safely learn and explore new ideas and concepts. The reason why so many dolphins beached themselves on the shores of Rio de Janeiro is thought provoking. No one will truly know the exact reason why this occurred. However, we can speculate and do research to come up with a fairly reasonable explanation.

  2. Finally, a news blog post that is not focused on the bad of the world (guilty as charged). The studies of marine life and of animals in general is actually a very interesting and unquestionably pleasing field. Whether they are dolphins on the shores of RIo de Janeiro or any animal around the world, it is great to hear about. As the article said, "wonderful getaway from the tense topics and events." Great subject choice.

  3. The marine life is an extremely fascinating topic. One may absolutely agree with Karnie, that this topic is far more interesting and appealing to readers, rather than a political issue. Many people, especially animal lovers, have an attachment towards dolphins. Dolphins are beautiful creatures and harmless to humans. This blog was quite depressing, due to the fact that thirty dolphins beached themselves on the shore and were severely hurt. Great blog, Karnie!

  4. I do not like dolphins, nor do I like anything that has to do with the ocean, but I have to say it was quite refreshing to finally read a blog post that had nothing to do about the war in Syria.
    Brazil better make sure that incidents such as these do not occur frequently since they are hosting the World Cup this summer. I am sure soccer fans would not be amused by the appearance of dead dolphins around the coast of Rio.

  5. Sea creatures are always a fascinating topic. The danger that dolphins and other oceanic waters encounter is a widely discussed subject. People on this planet need to step up and make a change to help other organisms that coexist with humans. This post was detailed and well written, yet brief. Also, it is refreshing that this topic does not involve politics! It was also a great idea to use a magazine article instead of one from online. Amazing work, Karnicles!!!

  6. Hearing about these losses of beautiful creatures may be a soft spot for a certain amount of people, but on the other hand it is fascinating what these smart marine mammals are capable of. One may wonder how a situation like this may occur to one of the most intelligent animals to exist, and unfortunately casualties happen. Dolphins have been a creature that blow my mind with the intelligence they have.

  7. Considering how many people try to perserve the wildlife nowadays, it is saddening to hear such beautiful creatures die in such a miserable way. Not only the land environment should be fought for, but also the marine habitat. Slowly, the deep seas topic grows bigger and bigger. An incident like this gets minds thinking on what a society can do to help. Rest in peace, dolphins. Thank you Karnie for the report!

  8. It is certain to say that what happened to these beautiful creatures is tragic. However it is extremely thought provoking how the dolphins washed up on the beach in this unusual manner. Dolphins are fascinating animals, and it is unfortunate to hear of an event as distressing as this. Great job with the topic choice Karnie!

  9. It is saddening to hear about seven dolphins being beached and having to die. But the subject does make things much easier to read and enjoy, other than having to read a post about a terrible situation regarding Syria. Good job summarizing the article and refreshing your audience with something different.
