Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blog 17: Prompt

 To what extent do our schools serve the goals of a true education ?

What is education? Education might be science, Math, English or it could be things like politics, current events, and even manners and etiquette. Schools play an important role in teaching students and providing them with the education and knowledge they need. But is knowledge in subjects like math and history more important than being educated in etiquette, manners or simply just being polite? School is a big part of a child’s life; however their home, family and environment all play a role that is just as important. If a child does not come from a stable and healthy lifestyle at home, and they attend a public school, then their school fails to provide knowledge of things around them in their everyday lives such as, buying a house, learning how to apply to colleges or getting  jobs. This is when the controversial question is raised. To what extent are schools serving the goal of true education? Some may easily say that schools teach children all they need to know to all extents. Others may argue that there are a lot of things schools have a lack of. All in all, schools should consider adding classes that help students develop social skills, and focus less on the material that is being covered.


  1. How many schools nowadays offer etiquette classes? This is almost unheard of in our society which is pitiful. Being polite is a quality that an ideal person should obtain and it is a shame that it is not being taught in school. Bringing up its importance is a wonderful point. Also, explaining the impact of the environment outside school, shows that school is not the only place where learning takes place. Karnie offers a solution to the problem by suggesting the addition of classes that will teach students life lessons and stray away from the usual material.

  2. True education is extremely crucial to learn in one's school years, because it can prepare a student for the life outside of high school. Karnie begins her blog by asking a question to her audience. This can grab her readers' attention, because it keeps them thinking, as they continue reading on. Also, Karnie uses great examples throughout the blog, such as etiquette classes. Wonderful job, Karnie!

  3. Schools alone cannot possibly mature their students with the classes they offer. It takes a combined effort from schools, family and friends, and other multiple direct or indirect influences. The knowledge obtained from the classroom must be applied in real-life circumstances and situations for the purpose of teaching the information to come forth. Excellent job presenting your argument wholly and effectively.

  4. Great on point opinion, Karnie. I definitely agree that when a student attends a public school, they receive less opportunities to learn the true morals of life. A variety of private schools teach manners and ways of life, one of them coincidentally being Pilibos. Also, outstanding idea at the end that schools should add classes to teach social skills.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The opinion stated on this question is very on point and covers all different aspects of the question. I completely agree with the point that schools cannot teach etiquette or manners, that all comes from students' homes and the individuals that they surround themselves with. The recommendation on which classes should be taught instead of some classes that are being taught right now are very reasonable and should eventually be considered and put into use. Great job on your blog!

  7. This post about the lack of true education in today’s schools was greatly written. I personally do agree that schools should focus less on specific subjects such as math, science, and English. What good will knowing how to solve an equation be if one cannot act and function normally in society?

  8. Karnie's view of education being taught and education that should be taught is a controversy that has been creating mental battles for a long time now. I find it interesting that she mentions etiquette and social skills. It is sad to admit, but the world NEEDS more socially educated and polite people. Learning advanced math and science might not be as helpful for the transition of living with parents and living alone.
