Sunday, March 30, 2014

Prompt: "Into The Wild"

        We have many things in our life that we think we cannot live without. However, in reality those items are nothing but extra and “unnecessary baggage” that we can survive without. Just how Chris McCandless “sheds” his belongings and “unnecessary baggage” such as his car and surprisingly his money, we can all do the same. If I were to get rid of things I absolutely really did not need, the first place I would go is my closet. I would get rid of some of the clothes I do not wear or truly need.  Excess sweaters, Shirts, jean, shorts I do not wear as often would be the things I get rid of.  I would also “shed” a few pair of boots. Other things I would get rid of would be books I do not read, makeup I do not really need and purses or bags I rarely use. Aside from all these things I probably would survive without, there are a few things I would not be able to live without. These items include my computer to do blogs for my awesome English class, my stuffed animal unicorn to cuddle with and my phone to keep in touch with friends and family.  

Article: Environment

          "Crazy Ants Are About to Invade Houston"
                                     - TIME Magazine

               On March 27, 2014 Olivia B. Waxman of TIME Magazine published an article. The interesting and informative article, “ Crazy Ants Are About to Invade Houston” discusses the one “downside” of spring in Houston, Texas.  The CBS and KPRC of Houston are trying to alert and warn residents that “crazy ants “ are going to dynamically “invade” the area throughout the whole week.  These ants classified as “Rasberry Crazy ants” after a local exterminator with the name Tom Rasberry discovered them back in 2012. These vicious ants like under rocks, trees and lawns. They also tend to crawl into electrical equipment and damage machines. Some say these ants are worse than Fire ants – “the world’s worst invasive species.” Said to be originally from central South America, these ants have spread all the way to Texas, southern Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia and Florida. This has happened over the years, because they can easy reside in any place. Places such as empty containers, RVs and even houseplants are only a few of the many places they like to hide. Pest specialist told Houston News outlets to help the residents, that preventing invasions such as these  can be done by removing some of the excess wood in ones yard.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Video Clip

        In a fairly short clip of The Daily Show Stephan Colbert discusses and mocks Tom Cruise and his belief in scientology. Colbert also makes fun of the idea and concept behind the principle that does not believe in God, but science. He says that scientology revolves around an alien “overlord” who flew aliens into earth from space and then chained them to volcanoes. When these volcanoes erupted the aliens blew up only to create the “satanic” minds of the human being. This is obviously a false identification of what this practice truly revolves around, since this show is satirical. Colbert also mocks Tom Cruise’s appearance on the Oprah show and how he talked about his beliefs and did crazy things, such as jump on the couches.  He also tells the audience he has now “saved them church fees” as a joke to those who attend one.  The satire shows the disapproval of most of the public regarding this theory, by creating a short cartoon visual, making it seem like the idea is bogus and crazy. The video is then followed by a list of famous celebrities who believe in the practice of Scientology.  I think this video serves its purpose in mocking the idea that is accepted by a modicum amount of people. However, it does come across as a bit offensive and rude, making people feel as though their beliefs and morals are not appreciated and accepted.

News: Special Edition

        " Girlfriend Overdoses On Lotion"
                       - The Onion

        On January 7, 2014 The Onion published an article discussing an odd incident. In the interesting yet weird article, “Girlfriend Overdoses On Lotion”, The Onion talks about someone’s girlfriend who had been a victim of an incident resulting from and “overdose” on scented lotions and perfumes. Her boyfriend had first made a frantic cal to 911 at around 10:00 pm. The ambulance had rushed to the house to discover the twenty six year old girl and the scared boyfriend. She was unconscious in bed surrounded by empty bottles of lotions, moisturizers as well as anti wrinkle treatment. The medics later shared that she had been inhaling cocoa butter and other fumes for over forty-five minutes. They also later found that she had high levels of Jergens and Olay in her system. The victim had a blood-lotion level of about zero point forty -five, which was way above what it should have been. When she arrived at the hospital, it was a race against time. It was only seconds away from being too late to take action. Nurses worked hours to remove the layers upon layers of moisturizers, crèmes, perfumes, Moroccan Oils and lotions that she had piled up on her skin, face, lips and limbs. Friends had told a source that she always had an addiction, but this time it had spiraled out of control. The victim is now in a “stable state, resting in a medically induced comma”

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Prompt: Economy


        Even though it may seem that the economy of our country is on a great scale and does not affect or lives, in reality it does. The economy can affect our lives in every aspect possible. For example, if the economy started to drastically decline, my parents would lose their jobs.  If my parent lost their jobs I would not be able to afford to attend a private school, therefore I would have to go to a public one. Most things we have in our lives are considered privileges that not every one can afford. If employment went down and prices increased, we would not be able to live in the house we do today, and I would not have my own room, have more then one bathroom in the house, or even have a car. Simple things like these that our daily lives consist of would most probably not exist. Another example would be, that when I start diving, varying gas prices would matter to me, since I would have my own car and pay for my own fuel.  I wouldn’t be lucky enough to buy the newest version of the iphone every time it would be released because prices would be too high, for example. These are the main things that would be affected in my life, if the economy changed.


"Ford motor Co. Leader William Clay Ford Dies At 88"
               - Time Magazine

On March 9, 2014 the associated press of Time magazine published an article. In the interesting yet devastating article, “Ford Motor Co. Leader William ClayFord Dies At 88” the associated press discuses the death of man who helped guide the Ford motor company for over fifty years. William Ford, employee and board member of the company for more than half of its time, was also the last surviving grandson of the company’s founder, Henry ford. Ford was s great businessman as well as a humanitarian who had dedicated his whole life to the community and the motor company. William Clay Ford was also the owner and vice chairman of the NFL team Detroit Lions. The company had stated that he had passed at the age of eighty-eight in his home, because of pneumonia. The company had also stated that his absence would be truly noticeable due to the fact that he was “ instrumental” in the works to setting the designs for the vehicles of the company. As said by many of his coworkers as well as Alan Mullaly, CEO of Ford Motor Co., William Clay Ford “ had a profound impact on the company.” His presence in the company as well as the community will truly be missed.